Your Key To The Castle

Your Key To The Castle

About Bannochmoor

Bannochmoor is not just another cryptocurrency initiative; it’s a pioneering venture aiming to blend the tangible and intangible by building a community-funded, exclusive castle estate in Scotland while incorporating cutting-edge blockchain technology. 

This unique project focuses on real-world applications of cryptocurrency, allowing token holders to interact with the physical estate, access exclusive virtual experiences, and participate in a sustainable, community-driven model.

Bannochmoor Ecosystem

As we continue to prepare for launch we welcome you to read and understand each element of our project

The Castle

Develop A Castle Estate In Scotland

The Token

Foundation And Financial Backbone

The NFTs

The Keys To The Castle

Going Digital

Digital Estate Representation

Road Map




NFT Tiers

The Knight

The Baron

The Lady

The Monarch

From Our Founder

As the founder of Bannochmoor, I believe in the harmony of heritage and innovation. We are not just building a bridge between Scotland’s storied past and a digital future, but we are weaving a tartan where every thread represents a community member, a story, a piece of history, and a pixel of the digital frontier. Bannochmoor is more than an estate; it’s a living legacy that grows with every person who becomes part of our journey.
Frankie Bannachan
Bannochmoor Founding Partner

Contact Bannochmoor

The team can be reached directly by email or socially by selecting an icon below. For the latest information join our Telegram group, where we keep the most up to date information about the status of the project.